jueves, 9 de mayo de 2013



The IMF (International Monetary Fund) fundamental mission is to help ensure stability in the international system. It does so in three ways: keeping track of the global economy and the economies of member countries; lending to countries with balance of payments difficulties; and giving practical help to members.

On their way to do so, they are forced to elaborate a lot of statistic tables and collect thousands of different data that are available for free in their website cited at the begining of the post just by clicking on the statistics-data button on their homepage. They also have the information sorted by countries and the researchers made by their own researches as well as some conferences, definatelly a website to look at if you are searching for macroeconomic data.



It is a bibliographical resource which has abstracts about the major part of the articles collected and some of them are in full text. The articles are from fields like economic history, econometry, public finance, demography, economy, stock market, etc.

Exporting Info


Is a provider of information for small firms that are willing to find out feedback on how to make or increase their exports to maximize their profits.This website has been developed by students of the University of Washington and it is financed by the University itsself.



As they say in their website, Economistonline.org provides academic publications and data from some of the world’s leading institutions, contains over 900,000 bibliographic references, many of them with links to full text open access;
 Facilitate in combination with RePEc files in order to provide the researcher with a new information service



Dialnet, pertaining to the Universidad de La Rioja, is the second bibliographical website in bibliographical content, their number of documents is near to reach the 4 millions and it has more than 1,100,000 users, they cooperate with 77 different librarys most of them are from universities but there are also 15 specialized librarys, their searcher allows us to search a single article or the whole magazine where it is published. Moreover we can also look for books in full text and for doctoral thesis, which can be really useful if we are planing to prepare one just to have some feedback on how they are organized, prepared and finally presented.



PROMT offers either abstract and full texts about the leading sector companies, which makes this a good resource for people looking for specific information about such firms or financial investigators. The companies, products and markets from which they provide data have been chosen using as reference points several publications, journals and financial papers.



The OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) is an organism created by the European Union in order to assist them while preparing market economy reforms. Since then, the OECD has been publishing books, reports, statistics and working papers. The books published are the following and as they are updated at least annually they contain the most recent and reliable information that we can find:

The OECD Economic Outlook, published twice a year. It contains forecast and analysis of the economic situation of the OECD member countries.

The Main Economic Indicators, published monthly. It contains a large selection of timely statistical indicators.

The OECD Factbook, published yearly and available online, as an iPhone app and in print. The Factbook contains more than 100 economic, environmental and social indicators, each presented with a clear definition, tables and graphs. The Factbook mainly focus on the statistics of its member countries and sometimes other major additional countries. It is freely accessible online and delivers all the data in Excel format via Statlinks.

The OECD Communications Outlook and the OECD Internet Economy Outlook (formerly the Information Technology Outlook), which rotate every year. They contain forecasts and analysis of the communications and information technology industries in OECD member countries and non-member economies.

In 2007 the OECD published Human Capital: How what you know shapes your life, the first book in the OECD Insights series. This series uses OECD analysis and data to introduce important social and economic issues to non-specialist readers. Other books in the series cover sustainable development, international trade and international migration.